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Evolve By The Numbers

A man is playing video games in a video arcade.
A man is playing video games in a video arcade.

2K & Turtle Rock Studios have a lot to be excited about as their new Evolve IP continues to receive praise. Nearly 6 million gamers around the world played[easyazon_link identifier=”B00HKCIT0O” locale=”US” tag=”mytara0c-20″]Evolve[/easyazon_link]through February 18th. 2K and Turtle Rock also stated that Evolve remains a balanced game with 51.9 % of the games won by players using the monster while 48.1 % of players won with their Hunter teams. You don't have to take my word though since this infographic does a better job of show the stats.


Have you picked up [easyazon_link identifier=”B00HKCIT0O” locale=”US” tag=”mytara0c-20″]Evolve[/easyazon_link] yet? How do you like it so far?