Kirby invades the 3DS in 2014 and bolsters Nintendo’s first party offerings which is never a bad thing. Check out...
The Dark Knight arrives on the 3DS and PS Vita for the first time with Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate. The...
Now that the Nintendo 3DS is available for pre-order and has a price of $249.99, the question I am hearing the most is will it sell? That $250 number seems to stop people in their tracks. Is $250 too much for to pay for a portable game console?
A character long forgotten returns to action to stop Eggplant Wizard. A great showing by Nintendo in bringing back this...
Speculation has become a reality as Nintendo unveiled their new 3DS which utilizes a unique 3D presentation that doesn’t require...
Nintendo has jumped on the 3D bandwagon with a handheld? What? ...