Spoiler Free Plot Synopsis When we last saw our friend Kick-Ass, he was blowing up Chris D’Amico‘s father with a bazooka...
A new red band featurette for Kick-Ass 2 gives us some new scenes and bit more insight into how the...
If you thought the first red band trailer was awesome get ready for a fresh serving of Kick-Ass 2 straight...
The first Kick-Ass 2 trailer even while red band succeeded in getting people hype for Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl’s latest adventures....
When Kick-Ass ended the way it did I knew a sequel was imminent. I say this not only because of...
Oh no, here we go with another comic book movie. Wait a minute, it’s not about any established Marvel or...
With the popularity of comic movies and lack of creativity from hollywood a new trend is starting. That trend is...