Cover: Art Adams | Variant Covers: Leonard Kirk (Corner Box Variant), Jim Lee, Billy Martin, Skottie Young, Neal Adams, Ramon Villalobos (Hip-Hop Variant),...
RW Review: Logan (RPX) Rating: R | Runtime: 2h 15minutes Director: James Mangold | Writer: Cast: Hugh Jackman (James Howlett, Logan, Wolverine), Patrick...
Red Band Trailer for Logan on TrailerAddict. Enjoy a more violent and more intense red band trailer for Logan Director:...
Feature Trailer for Logan on TrailerAddict Enjoy the last trailer for Logan Director: James Mangold | Writers: Michael Green, Scott Frank...
Marvel got their first major teaser out the door today and it is one that will surely get a lot...
We finally got our first trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past and I must say that it shows tremendous...
Cast: Professor X/ Charles Xavier– James McAvoy Magneto/Erik Lehnsherr – Michael Fassbender Sebastian Shaw- Kevin Bacon Emma Frost- January...