Season Two of the Walking Dead was dreadful. Half of it wasted looking for a dead little girl. The other...
As usual, this column may contain major spoilers and readers should consider that if they are fans of the television...
Splatterhouse is by far the most violent game I have ever played and as you progress through the levels, it only gets more violent. At one point you fight an 8’ tall fat guy with chainsaw arms, and only by ripping off one of his arms and chainsawing him with it can you defeat him. All this while the mask urges you to, and I quote, “Show him why we call it Splatterhouse!”
In honor of the upcoming Splatterhouse game coming out for PS3 and Xbox, WestMansion was kind of enough to provide MTR with...
Splatterhouse was one of the most enjoyable arcade and turbografix16 titles that I enjoyed while growing up.Quarter after quarter and visiting a buddy...