Lar Von Trier’s Nymphomanic has been generating quite a buzz due to its subject matter and its well rounded cast. The...
I haven’t watched a Robert Redford directed film since Lions for Lambs which with its all-star cast still fell short...
Tom Hardy continues his ascension to leading man status while playing second banana to Shia LaBeouf which I find hard...
Cast: Sam-Shia LaBeouf Carly-Rosie Huntington-Whitely Agent Simmons-John Turturro Lennox-Josh Duhamel Epps-Tyrese Gibsin Optimus Prime-Peter Cullen Megatron-Hugo Weaving Sentinel Prime-Leonard...
I would like to congratulate Michael Bay for finally doing what should have been done from the first movie in...
Shit gets blown up, Sam screams for Optimus, Slow pan of destruction around our main characters. Sounds like a good...
With rumors that this film will close out the trilogy many Transformer fans are expecting a kick-ass finale. Looks like...