Without question one of the greatest hack and slash games in recent memory is the God Of War franchise. While...
Check out this epic extended trailer for the newest entry in the Castlevania franchise. I am excited to play this...
Clash of the Titans was an enjoyable remake of an awesome classic. It looks like the game borrows some game...
One of the few games that ever got my attention on the PC will finally be available on consoles for...
Whenever I talk to friends of mine that are strictly PC gamers they make sure to tell me how great...
While at the NY Comic Con this past weekend, I had the chance to test the newest peripheral from Microsoft...
With a bit of Devil May Cry + Constantine comes the newest creation from the very talented Suda 51. What...
With SDCC behind us we got to see a ton of great trailers and features. One of the more surprising...
Anti-Venom!!!! Nuff Said!! Tags: GameTrailers.com, E3 2011: Exclusive Trailer , PC Games, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 [Source: Game Trailers]...
As with all super hero films we know the inevitable movie tie in is sure to follow. Spider-Man will be...