Here’s what “Community” star Alison Brie tweeted after it was announced Monday that the show was off the midseason NBC schedule.
[blackbirdpie url=”!/alisonbrie/status/136232565219659778″]
We have been assured that Community has not been canceled and will return to the Thursday lineup at a date yet to be determined, but I for one, am bummed about this news. Yes, the ratings may not be superior (it is up against The Vampire Diaries after all). But Community is one of the most solid comedies on TV today. Even more so than the Steve Carell-less Office, which is absolutely horrid these days, and the meh new-this-season Up All Night with Will Arnett and Christina Applegate. NBC would be foolish to lie to us and pull the rug on this show. Since Monday, loyal fans have already created pages and petitions to save the show. (Petitions like
If you have not yet caught an episode of this Dan Harmon masterpiece starring my faves Joel McHale and Donald Glover, allow me to whet your appetite (when it does come back). Here are some of my personal favorite moments from the show thus far, (although I am sure I am missing some great moments):
Last thought- this is what I will do if Community ever gets the axe: