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Homefront: The Revolution “Ignites!”

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Homefront: The Revolution is the next big title coming from Deep Silver. If you have never seen a trailer, the game explores an alternate future where the U.S. has been taken over. The Korean People’s Army walk the streets of Philadelphia to enforce martial law and you are a new recruit in the resistance movement. You will free Philadelphia by any means necessary. This FPS has off and online play where you can squad up with friends to take down your oppressors. The piece by piece liberation of the city reminds me of games like Crackdown and Just Cause 3 while the crafting and quick switching of weapons reminds me of another Deep Silver title: Dead Island. Homefront: The Revolution is shaping up nicely both storywise and in terms of gameplay. The “Ignite” trailer will make every red-blooded American want this game and want to get the KPA off of our streets immediately. The “Guerrilla Warfare 101″ trailer below shows how the game plays and it is likely that fans of games like The Division will be all over this. We are about a month and a half out from the release of the game, so stay tuned to R.A.G.E. Works as more information develops.

Homefront: The Revolution is in stores on May 17 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.