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The Dragon Prince | Netflix | November 2022

The Dragon Prince has been surprisingly solid, and its fourth season looks to continue the stellar track record Netflix has had with its animated originals. This clip from season four gives fans a bit more of the upcoming story while still keeping certain plot elements under wraps. ExPreciselys a trailer should!

Teen Wolf: The Movie | Paramount+

Picking up right after the events of the 2011 MTV series Teen Wolf: The Movie brings back many of the series' original characters and hopefully brings closure to the series' die-hard fan base. While there is no official release date yet we do know its coming to Paramount+

.Star Trek: Picard | Paramount+

We got more returning Star Trek TNG originals in this teaser trailer for Star Trek: Picard season three. This upcoming season will be the final one with Picard and the rest of the TNG crew. I am sure our friends at Trek Untold will be discussing this quite a bit in the coming months.