I became familiar with the work Prometheus and Amuro were doing after a guest recommended their site and podcast to me because we shared similar interests. I am glad I took her up on the recommendation, as these guys work hard for their audience and deliver solid content both in audio and written format. They deliver a healthy mix of articles, shows, and tremendous community engagement all while working regular jobs. I respect their dedication to the craft and their approach to content creation. Let’s turn it over to the PTWoR crew to see what Toys & Tech of the Trade they rely on.
Who are you and what do you do?: Prometheus – Co-Host of Straight Outta Austin! Podcast and Web Content Manager of Punching The Walls of Reality
Base of operations a/k/a home: Austin, TX
Current mobile device: iPhone 6 Plus
Show us your home screen:
What do you like/dislike the most about your current mobile device?: It’s nearly impossible to text while holding the phone horizontal because my hands are too small. But I suppose that’s a personal problem.
Three mobile apps you can’t live without: Facebook, Mixlr, Safari
Current Laptop or desktop: Apple Macbook Pro
Show us your desktop:
Frequently used program/programs on laptop/desktop: Google Chrome, Audacity, Final Cut Pro
First place you go when you open your phone or computer: Facebook
What gear do you use to bring Straight Outta Austin to your audience?: Shure PG 48 Microphones and a Yamaha MG 102c Mixer
What software if any do you use for show prep?: Google Docs
If you could change one piece of gear that you use for your show what would it be?: Some condenser microphones would be sweet
One website you recommend to people often: TheMarySue.com and Punchingthewallsofreality.com just kidding. I don’t actually recommend it to people…often
Favorite piece of tech besides your phone/computer: PS4
What’s playing in the background while you work?: The default music on the PS4. It’s so soothing. Also, “The Man Who Sold the World” MSGV cover and Nirvana cover and sometimes the actual David Bowie song
Gamer?: Yessir
What are you playing?: Metal Gear Solid V
Last gaming purchase: Metal Gear Solid V
What item have you purchased recently that is less than $100 that has made your life easier or more enjoyable: iPhone 4 Headphones. Best 6 dollars I’ve ever spent. Probably…
Who would you like to see showcase their gear in a future column?: I’d go with Kelli Nova
Where can people find your work and connect with you?: Punchingthewallsofreality.com and @PrometheusPTWOR