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Turnbuckle Tabloid Debuts On The RAGE Works Network

The Turnbuckle Tabloid podcast features real wrestlers interviews and personalities.
The Turnbuckle Tabloid podcast features real wrestlers interviews and personalities.

The RAGE Works Network is happy to welcome Turnbuckle Tabloid from The Regular Season Sportscast’s Jay Santy to our podcast network of shows. This new weekly series will focus on the wild world of pro wrestling and will have a wealth of content for mainstream and independent wrestling fans. In addition, fans can look forward to interviews, skits, and all the gems that made TRSS a hit. Jay will continue to host The Regular Season Sportscast on the RAGE Works Network, but Turnbuckle Tabloid will be the new source for wrestling commentary and podcast content.

The debut episode of Turnbuckle Tabloid will be released later today.

Fans can find Turnbuckle Tabloid and all our other shows, including TRSS, Black is the New Black, Call Me When It’s Over, and The Variant Issue on The RAGE Works Network, available on iTunes, Stitcher, Tune-In Radio, and RAGEWorks.net.