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Arrow at Comic Con 2013 – What’s In Store?

During the Arrow panel at the San Diego Comic Con this past weekend, fans were treated to a fantastic sizzle reel of what's to come in the show's highly anticipated second season. After the death of Tommy Merlyn (Colin Donnell), our hero Oliver is not in a good place. Well, most of the characters aren't in a good place. From the panel, we also got some good details on what will be happening. Things like:

  • The Season 2 premiere is called “City of Heroes“.
  • My favorite character Felicity has upgraded their lair and wants Ollie to continue his work as The Hood – but…
  • …Ollie doesn't want to be called The Hood anymore.
  • Summer Glau will be guest starring as someone who will threaten Oliver and Queen Consolidated.
  • Papa Lance looks like he got a demotion.
  • We get a first look at Black Canary.
  • New characters this season will be Sebastian Blood played by True Blood‘s Kevin Alejandro and Bronze Tiger played by past MTR guest Michael Jai White.


Take a look at this very well-produced trailer and hit the comments – what do you think of this show? Do you love it as much as I do?