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Gamefly Queue Review: James Bond 007: Blood Stone

After playing the extremely enjoyable Quantum of Solace I was happy to see them continuing this third person Bond series. It’s unfortunate that this game did not improve upon what Quantum of Solace started.


  • Great voice work from the cast of the Daniel Craig Bond films. Made the game have a more cinematic feel with Daniel Craig and Dame Judi Dench lending their voices to their digital counterparts.
  • Driving stages were a welcome change from the running and gunning albeit with some sub par controls.
  • Stealth component was decently executed as was the use of the smart phone in certain stages.



  • Overall controls were cumbersome
  • Cut scenes were on par with the PS2
  • Multiplayer is not worth touching
  • Short! Can be completed in 6-8hrs.
  • Zero replay value



So after investing my six or so hours I beat the game and got one of the most uneventful endings in recent memory.  An ending so bad I legitimately got angry at the time I wasted. Blood Stone is probably one of most forgettable Xbox 360 games I’ve played in recent memory.

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