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Grand Theft Auto Updates This Week (04/08/2014)

The spring updates that Rockstar alluded to last week are already starting to roll out. Today (04/08/14), update v.1.12 is live and will automatically download when you next load the game while connected to the internet. With this update, players will get bonus RP every time they like or dislike online missions. GTA faithful will now be able to contact Lester to have have cops temporarily ignore them and payouts increase for the following mission types when you have less than four players:

  • Parachute
  • Race
  • Deathmatch
  • Last Team Standing (LTS)

Please note that along with the update, Xbox 360 owners will also have to download a compatibility pack.

That is all for today, but this Friday, April 11, players will be able to expand their creativity as Capture mode is added to the online creator tool. To get players ready for this upcoming addition, the RP and cash payout for official Capture Mode jobs has been doubled until Friday. Good luck to all of you maniacs out there who are playing fairly. and head over to Rockstar Support for full details on the update. My hats off to Rockstar for fixing some of the issues that were making the game unplayable. No longer do you have to worry about invisible enemies or being killed in your garage and/or apartment. Please keep up the good work and make it once again fun to live and die in LS!

  • Will Grand Theft Auto’s Spring Updates Renew the Faith of the Fans?
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  • Grand Theft Auto V: UPDATE – Deathmatch and Race Creator Tools Beta
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