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Kotobukiya Shows Off Their Upcoming Deadpool Statues

Deadpool action figure wielding a sword and sign.
Deadpool action figure wielding a sword and sign.


Kotobukiya’s ArtFx line continues their amazing run of Marvel statues with this awesome statue of everyone’s favorite “Merc with a Mouth”. Our friends at Entertainment Earth were kind enough to give a sneak peek to share with you guys. This “Previews Exclusive” statue is not available till May 2015 but they are already taking preorders. This 6 inch statue is a steal at $59.99 and it has two different ways it can be displayed.

This X-Force variant can be preordered here.

If you prefer the classic Deadpool the crew at Kotobukiya have you covered as well and it is also $59.99 but you’ll have to wait till June 2015,

You can preorder the classic Deadpool here.