My Take Radio is showing its support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month with our 2nd Annual Brawling for Boobies 2K12 Gaming Event!
Last year, My Take Radio decided to take the fight to breast cancer with its first ever Brawling for Boobies community gaming event. The fact that we all made a unified effort to raise awareness towards this cause motivated us in more ways than just the money raised. This year, we are striving not only to do more community events throughout the month, but to also hit the target we missed last year. We hope our listeners will join us by donating to Komen for the Cure while having some fun!
It is estimated that over 39,000 women will die from breast cancer in 2012. These women are our mothers, wives, sisters, grandmothers and friends. 100% of the money raised from our efforts will go to educate, treat and someday cure what is considered to be the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women.
To help us raise awareness, we are happy to introduce our very own mascot for the event named Ivy. Ivy’s name comes from the initials of Rich’s mom, who lost her battle with breast cancer in 2000. Ivy will be seen in all promotional items tied to the event.
This year, we will not be enforcing the mandatory donation rule to participate in the event, but we do encourage everyone to donate and help us make a difference. The donation minimum is $5.00 (but please feel free to give whatever you want over that amount). All donations are processed directly by Komen for the Cure to ensure not only that your funds are secure, but they go directly to helping in the fight against breast cancer. If you are participating and donating, please make sure to enter your Gamer Tag in the donation entry page recognition field so we know who you are.
Here are some of the game titles and official dates of play:
10/16/12 : Marvel vs Capcom 3
10/17/12: Super Street Fighter 4
10/23/12: UFC Undisputed 3
10/24/12: KOFXIII- PS3
10/29/12: Tekken Tag 2
10/30/12: Super Street Fighter 4
10/31/12: Game to be determined
We will make announcements and update this page as needed.
Gameplay will begin at 9pm EST and end at 11pm EST. On Fridays we will extend playtime until 12am. Participants can add Akuma25 on Xbox Live. Please make sure to let us know you are participating in the event so we can add you.We are still finalizing the titles so expect announcements closer to the dates. We ask our readers and listeners to share any XBox360 fighting games they’d like to play in the comments and if we get a solid count we will include them in one of the community play dates.
Even if you do not want to play, please still donate towards our goal. We are doing this to promote community play for a good cause so every little bit will help. The MTR Komen for the Cure donation page will be open throughout the rest of year. We also invite our Twitter followers to tweet with the hashtag #B4B2K12 and #KOBreastCancer to help spread the word. Also, tweet us if you know you will be playing and MTR staff will send out a special tweet to show our followers you helped KO Breast Cancer!
Here is the donation page: