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Orcs Must Die? No! Orcs Must Live!

Orcs Must live - COTU logo

Orcs Must live a the new campaign slogan of the Center for Orc Tolerance & Understanding (COTU). The center’s goal is to spread orc awareness and assure people that Orcs are just like us; they laugh, cry and want to be accepted. The next time you see an orc, do not immediately assume battle positions. We have to talk with our fellow orcs and try to understand their way of life. It is only through understanding that we can become one and live in true peace and harmony. The COTU plans to protest PAX East this weekend because videogames in particular have for way too long abused the orc. Representatives of the center will be on site with several orcs to spread awareness. Please do not be friegtened or alarmed by the presence of the orcs. They are only there to spread their message. Please do not attack them or scream. Also, please do not raise a call to arms to dispatch the orcs; they especially do not like that. For more information, please visit the COTU website and remember that just like us, Orcs Must Live.