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I Am Setsuna Guarantees a Cool Summer

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I Am Setsuna is coming to us by way of Tokyo RPG Factory. Their goal is to bring us a new adventure that pays homage to the great titles that made us love RPGs. In particular, they are styling this game after the classic Chrono Trigger. I have been saying for at least the past two months that 2016 is shaping up to be a fantastic year for RPGs and today’s news only solidifies that belief. I Am Setsuna is slated to launch on PS4 and Steam on July 19.

On a side note, my birthday is July 22. GET ME THIS GAME!!!!

Setsuna has been chosen to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to save her people from a rampaging fiend. You are Endir, her safeguard. Your duty is to ensure that she makes it to the farthest reaches of the land in order to accomplish her task. Prepare yourselves for a journey like no other that manages to remind you of a simpler time. I Am Setsuna pays homage to the style of Japanese RPG that was commonplace during the time of the SuperNES. hardcore fans will not want to miss this adventure being brought to the States by Square Enix.