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Slick Says Shut Up and Take My Money! Styx: Master of Shadows


Snips, snails and puppy dog tails are what little boys are made of, but a somewhat darker mixture gives you the subhuman devil know as Styx. Take the stealth skills of Batman, the agility of Spider-Man and throw in every dirty trick known to Altaïr and Ezio. In Styx: Master of Shadows, you are the titular character and you must carefully make your way through the Tower of Akenash. The tower is filled with humans, elves and things that make even Styx look cute. Each and every one of these beings is capable of turning Styx into a stain on the floor or summoning those that can. Some might call Styx a coward as he sneaks about in the darkness; Styx would say that he is smart. In what I feel could be one of the best games of the “dry season,” Styx must make his way to the heart of the Castle where the WorldTree and its precious Amber await. To accomplish this daunting task, Styx will steal, poison and murder his way to glory using the skills he has as a goblin as well as those bestowed upon him by the Amber he drinks. Here is a quick look:

In Styx, Master of Shadows, you play a creepy little goblin that would give Gollum nightmares; his only care is obtaining more of the Amber, the sap that flows from the WorldTree. The Tower of Akenash has been built around this treasure and the foes Styx must face are too numerous to count. If Styx had friends, they would probably tell him to forget about the Amber, but power does not just corrupt – it addicts. If you could create a subservient clone of yourself, disappear and enhance your senses, you would go after the stuff as well! Throw in six abilities that you build upon RPG-style and Styx is unstoppable if you use him correctly. Build upon his stealth, agility, cloning, perception (through Amber consumption), equip and assassination skills to allow him to creep ever closer to his goal. Styx: Master of Shadows is developed by Cyanide Studios and published by Focus Home Interactive. Look for it on PC, PS4 and Xbox One late this summer!

Be afraid of the dark; something truly nasty lurks.