Trailer Source: Warner Bros. YouTube Channel Plot Synopsis: MMA fighter Cole Young (Lewis Tan), accustomed to taking a beating for...
Following up on the gameplay trailer for Rain we got a brand new one showcasing the moves of John Rambo....
Netherrealm continues to extend the life of Mortal Kombat 11. After various new characters joined the series, including Robocop, Terminator,...
Diamond Select continues to deliver quality diorama's from various licenses, but their Mortal Kombat 11 line is not only quality,...
Storm Collectibles has been on the RAGE Works and Nerd News Today radar for some time and if you're curious...
Storm Collectibles never fails to disappoint when it comes to their video game collectibles. Storm Collectibles brought some Mortal Kombat...
The Funko Pop! Games lineup got some welcome additions in today's announcement from Funko. The iconic Mortal Kombat series will...
Welcome to A Feastful of Fists, a new monthly column featuring my take on a plethora of fighting games, ranging...
Mortal Kombat X continues to be on everyone's radar with all the different announcements including all the new characters and...
If you've been listening to My Take Radio since episode 1 then you know about Michael Jai White breaking the...