In this week’s brand new installment of Into The Ring, Out of The Box: Extreme Edition, we check out the other half of the Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks Axl Rotten. Axl Rotten formed that tag team with Balls Mahoney back in 1997 and remained a team until 1999. They were usually feuding with the Dudley Boyz and each other. They reunited at the One Night Stand PPV in 2005.
You can check out the Ball Mahoney review here. Matt and I also reviewed some other ECW mainstays from the Original San Francisco Toy Makers ECW line including:
Matt also reviewed some other ECW figures from the Original San Francisco Toy Makers line with Vinnie which you can check out here.
What did you think of this retro review? Let us know in the comments or let the NNT crew know your thoughts via their YouTube channel.