Marvel’s latest solicitation for Avengers Forever #5 is not something Marvel fans see every day. The issue turns Dr. Strange,...
Plot Synopsis: The infamous firebird of cosmic destruction and rebirth known as the Phoenix Force returns to Earth in the...
As the No Surrender arc comes to a close a new Avengers team is born with some returning favorites and...
Star Wars returns to the Marvel Universe after a lengthy run at Dark Horse. Jason Aaron, Jordan White and Marvel...
Regardless of gender it appears that the battles between Thor and the Frost Giants will always exist. Thor #2 continues...
The exploits of Ira Rath have definitely been well received as Men of Wrath sold out at the distributor level...
Now that the Thor gender controversy is behind us or at least no longer being referenced every five seconds we...
Thor: God of Thunder #25 not only ties into the fallout of the Original Sin arc but also shares a...
I received an email from Marvel yesterday afternoon that stated a huge surprise was going to be announced on...
Marvel goes the mystery route with Original Sin beginning this May and their marketing machine is in full force to...