I have had the pleasure of knowing Jay Santy for quite some time, and he joined the RW/MTR family due to a litany of common interests he shared with us – with wrestling being the main common denominator. This year, Jay has traded in his keyboard and embraced microphone as host of The Regular Season Sportscast. Jay covers a variety of sports on TRSS and has embraced his transition quite well. This week, Jay is the latest staff member to share his Toys & Tech of the Trade. Let’s turn it over to Jay!
Who are you and what do you do?: I am Jay Santy and I work in a hospital in the field of mental health. I am also a podcaster, hosting TRSS.
Base of operations a/k/a home: Brooklyn, NY
Current mobile device: Samsung Galaxy S6
What do you like/dislike the most about your current mobile device?: Likes: Screen size, clear, easy access to apps, quick response, decent memory, fairly decent camera, great security, quick charging and strong screen. Dislikes: Swype type is terrible, the battery life is suspect, wish it had more camera options.
Three mobile apps you can’t live without: Facebook, Instagram and YouTube
Show us your home screen:
Current laptop or desktop: I currently am using an Asus laptop
Most used program/programs on laptop/desktop: Photoshop and Audacity
Show us your desktop:
First place you go when you open your phone or computer: Phone: Facebook. Laptop: Email
One website you recommend to people often: Netflix
Favorite piece of tech besides your phone/computer: PlayStation 4 & Xbox 360
What’s playing in the background while you work: Music
What are you playing?: WWE 2K16 and Fallout 4, along with other sports and action/adventure titles.
Last gaming purchase: Fallout 4 for PlayStation 4
What item have you purchased recently that is less than $100 that has made your life easier or more enjoyable: My bluetooth headphones
Where can people find your work and connect with you?:
- Follow me on Twitter: @RWJaySanty
- Follow The Regular Season Sportscast on IG: @regularseasonsports
- Interact with us on the TRSS Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1467288046907257/
And of course, don’t forget to look for my content on RAGE Works.