Some of you may have read my earlier post on Smallville’s upcoming 2-part Justice League themed episode. Word is that this is no longer the case – the CW has decided to make it a 2 hour MOVIE!!! The title for the flick?? Smallville: Absolute Justice. (It has a nice ring to it, huh?)
Additionally, the movie will debut yet another character known in the DC Universe – none other than Hawkman (yay)!
The actor that has signed on to play Hawkman is Michael Shanks – some of you may know him from Stargate SG-1, but I know him from his 4-episode arc as Victor on Burn Notice. Check out the first picture of our artificially-winged friend:
Nice pants guy…
FYI – The airdate for Smallville: Absolute Justice has been changed from January 29 , 2010 to February 5, 2010. (Boo.)
Lastly, I have also read that Pam Grier will be joining for multiple episodes playing the wonderfully bad Amanda Waller. (Hmmm..not too sure about that.) Yummy tidbit: Waller was ranked as IGN’s 60th Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time in 2009. I’d say Grier has some cracked eggs to fill. What do you think??
Credit once again goes to Michael Ausiello for the scoops…