I am hoping that I can create these posts after every guest going forward. I am starting with last nights guest Shad Gaspard. It took a lot of work on Andrea’s part to set this up and I am glad she did. Shad’s interview on MTR was very eye opening and gave the listeners insight into how much he learned in the wrestling business and how those lessons carried over to Hollywood. In speaking with Shad I saw that he strives to not just be another “big black dude” but to be a professional that can leave a lasting impact in Hollywood. Over the course of the interview we also discussed his work on the graphic novel Assassin & Son and where he saw the project going in the future. Shad’s loyalty to those that have helped his success is genuine and is something you don’t see often. I wish Shad the best and look forward to hearing more about his journey in the future.
You can listen to episode 80 here
or click the player My Take Radio-Episode 80
To keep up with Shad you follow him on twitter or visit his site.
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