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Dying Light: The Following (Reveal)

In a field, a man swings on a swing as the dying light fades away.
In a field, a man swings on a swing as the dying light fades away.

Just when Kyle Crane thought he was out, they pull him back in! Techland promised us that something new was coming to Dying Light, and now it is here. . . sort of. This new trailer shows us that we will indeed be running zombies over in Dying Light and that it will be even more satisfying than when we did it in the (original) Dead Island games. For the first time you will explore new areas of Harran as Kyle roams the expansive countryside area. A cult with strange connections to the outbreak make their home in this area and Kyle must gain the trust of these people in order to obtain their secrets. Now generally, a rural area is not going to offer much in the way of parkour options and that is where the fully customisable and upgradeable dune buggy comes in. Just like Kyle, the vehicle will have its own skill tree, making zombie-smashing that much more enjoyable. There is no release date for the content as yet but Techland did provide us with pricing information. If you want the new DLC, it will cost $14.99, but if you are among those that purchased the Dying Light Season Pass, it is absolutely free! Kudos to Techland for bringing more value to both the game and the Season Pass. When a launch date is known for this content, we will be sure to let you know so stay tuned to R.A.G.E. Works and as always: