Breaking Bad may be over, but the shows popularity continues months after seeing the “demise” of one of the...
Spoiler Free Plot Synopsis Godzilla returns to the big screen to battle the radiation hungry MUTOs and prove why he truly is the...
Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for Slick’s “Random and Utterly Useless Trivia!” Today’s trivia has to do with a...
Fear, destruction and the understanding that man is not the dominant species were the main messages in the latest trailer...
The King of Monsters is riding a wave of momentum and positive feedback as the release of Godzilla approaches. We...
The first teaser trailer did an amazing job of getting fans hype for Gareth Edwards vision of what a real...
Archer is hands down one of the funniest shows on television and only an uncharismatic bore would try to tell...
Finally got around to pulling the trigger on the Netflix Queue reviews. Much like our Gamefly reviews these will be...
It has been a long road down season three of Archer. Before we come to the end, let’s take a...
The life of the ISIS agent is one of mystery, danger and oftentimes, stupidity. Missions have taken them everywhere from...