Skybound Games launches The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series today. A comprehensive bundle of all four seasons of the acclaimed game...
The story of Lee, Clementine and AJ has come to a close. R.A.G.E. Works reviewed the finale of Telltale Games'...
Title: The Walking Dead: The Final SeasonDeveloper: Telltale Games (episodes 1&2), Skybound Games (episodes 3&4)Publisher: Telltale Games and Skybound GamesRelease...
This is really it; Tuesday marks the end of an era. The house that Clementine built has closed its doors...
Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Final Season coming to a close with Episode 4 on March 26th. Fans have something...
Seven years ago, we met a man named Lee Everett. He let his emotions get the better of him and...
Today, we have the trailer for the next episode of The Walking Dead: The Final Season. Clementine moves ever closer...
Telltale Games is at PAX West tonight at 6PM EDT! They plan to preview Episode Two of The Walking Dead: The...
Every time I see more of The Walking Dead: The Final Season, I think of those three magic words uttered...
Telltale Games REALLY wants you to play The Walking Dead: The Final Season. Let's be honest, if you are even...